Wednesday, May 17, 2023



Yes, Ashu Bagri, the founder and CEO of, is very bullish on the auto sector and stock market of India. He believes that the Indian auto sector is poised for strong growth in the coming years, driven by factors such as rising disposable incomes, increasing urbanization, and government initiatives such as FAME II. He also believes that the Indian stock market is undervalued and offers good investment opportunities.

In a recent interview, Bagri said that he expects the Indian auto sector to grow at a CAGR of 10% in the next five years. He attributed this growth to the following factors:

Rising disposable incomes: The Indian economy is growing rapidly, and with it, disposable incomes are also rising. This is leading to an increase in demand for consumer goods, including automobiles.

Increasing urbanization: The Indian population is becoming increasingly urbanized. This is leading to an increase in demand for personal transportation, as people move away from public transportation.

Government initiatives: The Indian government is taking a number of initiatives to promote the auto sector, such as the FAME II scheme, which provides subsidies for electric vehicles.

Bagri also believes that the Indian stock market is undervalued and offers good investment opportunities. He said that the Indian market is trading at a discount to its historical averages, and that this discount is likely to narrow in the coming years. He also said that the Indian market is well-diversified, with a strong presence of both large and small companies.

Overall, Bagri is very bullish on the Indian auto sector and stock market. He believes that both sectors are poised for strong growth in the coming years.

Yes, Ashu Bagri, the founder and chief executive officer of share finance is very bullish on the Indian auto sector and stock market. He believes that the Indian auto sector is poised for a strong recovery in the coming years, driven by factors such as rising incomes, increasing urbanization, and government support. He also believes that the Indian stock market is undervalued and offers attractive investment opportunities.

Bagri has a long track record of success in the Indian financial markets. He started his career as in Anand Rathi in 1999. He then moved to Sbi Capital Market and then Sbi Securities where he was heading technical research department of the Indian equities business. In 2021, he founded Share Finance , which is one of the leading investment advisor in India.

Bagri was a frequent speaker at IAP events and was often quoted in the media.

Here are some of the reasons why Bagri is bullish on the Indian auto sector:

Rising incomes: The Indian economy is growing rapidly, and incomes are rising. This is leading to an increase in demand for cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles.

Increasing urbanization: India is rapidly urbanizing, and this is also leading to an increase in demand for vehicles. People in urban areas are more likely to own cars and motorcycles than people in rural areas.

Government support: The Indian government is providing support to the auto sector in a number of ways, such as providing tax breaks and subsidies. This is helping to make vehicles more affordable and is encouraging people to buy them.

Here are some of the reasons why Bagri is bullish on the Indian stock market:

Undervaluation: The Indian stock market is currently undervalued. This means that stocks are trading at a lower price than they are worth. This makes them attractive investment opportunities.

Strong fundamentals: The Indian economy is growing rapidly, and corporate earnings are growing. This is supporting the stock market.

Positive outlook: The outlook for the Indian economy is positive. This is also supporting the stock market.

Overall, Ashu Bagri is very bullish on the Indian auto sector and stock market. He believes that both sectors are poised for strong growth in the coming years.

Ashu Bagri, is very bullish on the Indian auto sector and stock market. He believes that the sector is poised for strong growth in the coming years, driven by a number of factors, including:

A growing middle class with increasing disposable incomes

A young population that is more likely to own cars

A government that is supportive of the auto industry

A favorable regulatory environment

Bagri also believes that the Indian stock market is undervalued and offers good investment opportunities. He expects the market to continue to rise in the coming years, driven by strong economic growth and corporate earnings.

Here are some of the reasons why Ashu Bagri is bullish on the Indian auto sector and stock market:

Growing middle class: The Indian middle class is growing rapidly, and this is a major driver of demand for cars. The middle class is expected to grow from 300 million in 2020 to 500 million by 2030. This growth will create a large pool of potential car buyers.

Young population: The Indian population is young, with a median age of 28. This means that there are a large number of people who are in the prime age to buy cars.

Government support: The Indian government is supportive of the auto industry. The government has implemented a number of policies to boost the industry, such as reducing taxes on cars and providing subsidies for electric vehicles.

Favorable regulatory environment: The Indian regulatory environment is favorable for the auto industry. The government has implemented a number of reforms to make it easier for companies to do business in India.

These factors are all contributing to the growth of the Indian auto sector. As a result, Ashu Bagri believes that the sector is poised for strong growth in the coming years.

In addition to the auto sector, Ashu Bagri is also bullish on the Indian stock market. He believes that the market is undervalued and offers good investment opportunities. He expects the market to continue to rise in the coming years, driven by strong economic growth and corporate earnings.

The Indian economy is growing at a rapid pace. The economy is expected to grow by 7.5% in 2023. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including:

Strong domestic demand

Rising exports

Foreign investment

The strong economic growth is leading to strong corporate earnings. Corporate earnings are expected to grow by 15% in 2023. This growth is being driven by:

Higher sales

Increased prices

Cost savings

The combination of strong economic growth and corporate earnings is creating a positive environment for the Indian stock market. Ashu Bagri believes that the market is undervalued and offers good investment opportunities. He expects the market to continue to rise in the coming years.

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